Brain Mapping

Neurofeedback’s sophisticated tool that reveals what’s really going on inside your brain

The brain map, often referred to as a qEEG, is one of the most vital diagnostic tools available in the field of neurofeedback for use with people who have brain-based conditions.

Ascend Recovery Centers  uses the most recent technology to create targeted brain training protocols.

Why Have a Brain Map?

The ability to “map” the brain provides far more insight into where the problem is coming from in the brain versus just answering questions on a form. What “sounds like” one thing in a verbal or written questionnaire can actually be identified as something completely different when patterns of activity from the brain map are analyzed. For example, answers from a questionnaire might prompt an ADHD diagnosis that a brain map reveals is actually a learning disorder caused by faulty connections between the neurons.A wrong diagnosis based on just asking questions means there’s a risk that the recommended treatment, which in many cases involves powerful drugs, could be totally inappropriate and ineffective.

Major Benefits of a Brain Map:

  • Assists in identifying problems with brain timing
  • Pinpoints specific areas of the brain that are not functioning optimally that can impact mood, behavior, attention, sleep, learning and more
  • Helps indicate which interventions and neurofeedback protocols to target
  • Provides information that can suggest which class of medications is appropriate or not suitable to the problem. (This knowledge can help reduce prescribing by trial and error)
  • Helps explain why remedies tried up to that point haven’t worked

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Ascend Recovery Centers was founded on the premise of providing superior addiction treatment, delivered by a team of expert professionals, in the comfort of a world-class facility local to you – so you can build a foundation for lasting recovery close to home.

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